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Let's talk colour temperatures

The world of lighting has evolved far beyond the simple choice between incandescent and fluorescent bulbs. With the advent of LED technology, homeowners now have the power to customise the ambiance of their living spaces by selecting specific colour temperatures for their lighting. Among the most common choices are 3000K (Warm White), 4000K (Cool White), and 6000K (Daylight). Each of these colour temperatures brings a unique character to a home, affecting not only the visual appeal but also the mood and functionality of each room. If you are unsure as to which option to go with, then look no further as we break down the different options available.

Warm White

Often referred to as Warm White, the 3000K (or sometimes 2700K) colour temperature is reminiscent of the soft, golden glow of traditional incandescent bulbs. This warm hue tends to be more yellow and is ideal for creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere in spaces like bedrooms, living rooms, and dining areas. The lower colour temperature of 3000K mimics the warmth of natural candlelight, making it a popular choice for areas where relaxation and comfort are a priority.

In living rooms, Warm White lighting can enhance the warmth of wood furnishings, creating a snug and intimate environment. Bedrooms benefit from this colour temperature as well, providing a soothing and tranquil ambiance that promotes relaxation. Dining areas can be transformed into inviting spaces for family gatherings, with the warm glow promoting a sense of connection and warmth.

However, it's essential to strike a balance, as too much Warm White light in spaces like kitchens or home offices may create an overly relaxed atmosphere that hinders productivity. Understanding the purpose of each room and considering the desired mood is crucial when deciding on the appropriate colour temperature.

Cool White

Cool White lighting, with a colour temperature of around 4000K, falls in the middle of the spectrum between warm and daylight. This colour temperature is often associated with a crisp and clean appearance, making it a popular choice for areas that require both brightness and alertness.

In kitchens and workspaces, Cool White lighting provides excellent visibility, making it easier to focus on tasks and enhancing overall productivity. Its neutral tone also complements modern and minimalist design aesthetics, creating a sleek and sophisticated atmosphere. Bathrooms benefit from Cool White lighting as well, as it mimics natural daylight, providing a flattering and accurate representation of colours.

When considering the colour temperature to use with crystal fittings, Cool White light bulbs tend to emphasise the shining features of crystal. In comparison, Warm White light bulbs tend to add an amber tint to the crystal, muting the shine of the crystal slightly.

One aspect to consider is that Cool White lighting can appear harsh in areas designed for relaxation. Using it sparingly in bedrooms or living rooms can add a touch of vibrancy without overwhelming the space. Striking a balance between Warm White and Cool White lighting throughout your home allows you to create dynamic and versatile lighting designs tailored to each room's specific function.


At the higher end of the color temperature spectrum is 6000K, commonly referred to as Daylight. This colour temperature replicates the bright, cool tones of natural daylight, making it an alternative choice to Cool White for spaces where clarity and visibility are paramount.

Daylight lighting is particularly beneficial in areas like workshops and garages, where tasks requiring attention to detail are performed. Its ability to simulate natural daylight enhances colour accuracy, making it easier to distinguish between various hues. Additionally, Daylight lighting can help regulate circadian rhythms, promoting alertness and focus during the day.

While Daylight lighting is excellent for task-oriented spaces, it may not be the best choice for most areas within the home. Using this colour temperature in bedrooms or living rooms may create an overly bright and clinical atmosphere, hindering the creation of a cozy and comforting ambiance. It is also worth noting that 6000K can often make the lighting look blue in certain locations.


In the pursuit of a well-lit and harmonious home, understanding the differences between 3000K (Warm White), 4000K (Cool White), and 6000K (Daylight) colour temperatures is essential. Each option brings a unique character to your living spaces, influencing the mood, functionality, and overall aesthetic appeal.

By strategically combining these colour temperatures throughout your home, you can create a dynamic and versatile lighting design that meets the specific needs of each room. Whether you seek a cozy and intimate atmosphere, a bright and energising workspace, or a balance between the two, the right colour temperature can transform your home into a well-lit haven tailored to your lifestyle.

When visiting our showroom, we will run through the different options with you to be sure that you make the right decision for your needs.

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